Monday, October 01, 2007

The human network - II

I posted a little time ago (actually, one year ago) about different social networking. Now, I want to add two new ones to the list.

Shelfari - A new social network which is still in beta is a place where you track the books you read and see what your friends are reading. I joined couple of weeks back and found it useful. Antoher network based on your reading interests is This one does track your friends, but suggests the next book you should read. Shelfari should add that feature too. :-) - This is a hugely popular social network based on people's music interests. People with similar listening habits become neighbours. The very good thing about is that you don't need to enter the songs you listened to the site. They have plugins to allmost all media players - windows media player, winamp, itunes - which will automatically upload the data for you. The site currently boasts "over 20 million users," which currently makes for an approximate average of 10,000 fans for each band or label.

They have a radio software (both browser based and stand-alone) which will help to find lot of free music depending on genre or artists. The collection they have is awesome.

I found a mashup between and Youtube which will pull out a person's favourite tracks from the former site, finds the music videos of those tracks from Youtube and plays for you. The mashup is Pretty neat idea. The latest news is that itself is starting a music video service. The widget on the right side of my blog is from showing my weekly charts.

Interesting quote

Life can only be understood backwards - but it must be lived forward - Søren Kierkegaard, Danish Philospher.

Came across this on "Intelligent Investor" , a book on investing in stock markets. This quote is very true in share markets.