Thursday, August 25, 2005

Beware the speller

The speller in our word processors, email clients etc is definitely useful.. but when
we use SMSlike lingo in our docs, we should be really careful..

For instance, one of my colleagues was sending a congratulatory mail to his female friend when she was blessed with a kid.. this was the original content..

"Congrats.. hows ur kid doing ? blah blah... "

After that, the default spellchecker in his thunderbird mail client kicked in and corrected it to

"Congrats.. hows our kid doing? blah blah... "

Fortunately, my friend noticed the terrible thing he was about to send in time and corrected it manually.. so beware the speller.. :-)

WiFi @ Home

The long wait is over.. got my linksys 802.11b wireless router today.. could not wait to try it out.. hurried home after buying a 220v - 110volt converter. it booted up in seconds.. wonder what software it runs (my IOS isdn router takes at least two minutes). It throwed up a configuration webpage on the default IP address and allowed me to do some basic tweaks.. Voila !!! my laptop detected a wireless network .. :-).. this is really cool.. This post is carried over this WiFi link from my living room :-)

I should get rid of the ethernet cables lying on the floor.. need to install some security stuff on it so that my neighbours do not get into the my WiFi zone.

Thanks Midhun and Asif for helping me buy this router.. :-)